Source code for eppy.idfreader

# Copyright (c) 2012, 2022 Santosh Philip
# Copyright (c) 2021  Dimitris Mantas
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
#  (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
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"""use epbunch"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from itertools import chain

from eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions import readidf
import eppy.bunchhelpers as bunchhelpers
from eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from eppy.bunch_subclass import EpBunch

# from eppy.bunch_subclass import fieldnames, fieldvalues
import eppy.iddgaps as iddgaps
import eppy.function_helpers as fh
from eppy.idf_msequence import Idf_MSequence
import eppy.ext_field_functions as extff

[docs]class NoIDDFieldsError(Exception): pass
[docs]def iddversiontuple(afile): """given the idd file or filehandle, return the version handle""" def versiontuple(vers): """version tuple""" return tuple([int(num) for num in vers.split(".")]) try: fhandle = open(afile, "rb") except TypeError: fhandle = afile line1 = fhandle.readline() try: line1 = line1.decode("ISO-8859-2") except AttributeError: pass line = line1.strip() if line1 == "": return (0,) vers = line.split()[-1] return versiontuple(vers)
[docs]def makeabunch(commdct, obj, obj_i, debugidd=True, block=None): """make a bunch from the object""" objidd = commdct[obj_i] objfields = [comm.get("field") for comm in commdct[obj_i]] if debugidd: if len(obj) > len(objfields): # there are not enough fields in the IDD to match the IDF # -- increase the number of fields in the IDD (in block and commdct) # -- start n = len(obj) - len(objfields) key_txt = obj[0] objfields = extff.increaseIDDfields(block, commdct, obj_i, key_txt, n) # -- increase the number of fields in the IDD (in block and commdct) # -- end # # -- convertfields for added fields - start key_i = obj_i key_comm = commdct[obj_i] try: inblock = block[obj_i] except TypeError as e: inblock = None obj = convertfields(key_comm, obj, inblock) # -- convertfields for added fields - end objfields[0] = ["key"] objfields = [field[0] for field in objfields] obj_fields = [bunchhelpers.makefieldname(field) for field in objfields] bobj = EpBunch(obj, obj_fields, objidd) return bobj
[docs]def makebunches(data, commdct): """make bunches with data""" bunchdt = CaseInsensitiveDict() ddtt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls for obj_i, key in enumerate(dtls): key = key.upper() bunchdt[key] = [] objs = ddtt[key] for obj in objs: bobj = makeabunch(commdct, obj, obj_i) bunchdt[key].append(bobj) return bunchdt
[docs]def makebunches_alter(data, commdct, theidf, block=None): """make bunches with data""" bunchdt = CaseInsensitiveDict() dt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls for obj_i, key in enumerate(dtls): key = key.upper() objs = dt[key] list1 = [] for obj in objs: bobj = makeabunch(commdct, obj, obj_i, block=block) list1.append(bobj) bunchdt[key] = Idf_MSequence(list1, objs, theidf) return bunchdt
[docs]class ConvInIDD(object): """hold the conversion function to integer, real and no_type"""
[docs] def no_type(self, x, avar): if avar.startswith("N"): # is a number if it starts with N try: return float(x) # in case x=autosize except ValueError as e: return x else: return x # starts with A, is not a number
[docs] def integer(self, x, y): try: return int(x) except ValueError as e: return x
[docs] def real(self, x, y): try: return float(x) except ValueError as e: return x
[docs] def conv_dict(self): """dictionary of conversion""" return dict(integer=self.integer, real=self.real, no_type=self.no_type)
[docs]def convertafield(field_comm, field_val, field_iddname): """convert field based on field info in IDD""" convinidd = ConvInIDD() field_typ = field_comm.get("type", [None])[0] conv = convinidd.conv_dict().get(field_typ, convinidd.no_type) return conv(field_val, field_iddname)
[docs]def convertfields(key_comm, obj, inblock=None): """convert based on float, integer, and A1, N1""" # f_ stands for field_ convinidd = ConvInIDD() if not inblock: inblock = ["does not start with N"] * len(obj) for i, (f_comm, f_val, f_iddname) in enumerate(zip(key_comm, obj, inblock)): if i == 0: # inblock[0] is the iddobject key. No conversion here pass else: obj[i] = convertafield(f_comm, f_val, f_iddname) return obj
[docs]def convertallfields(data, commdct, block=None): """docstring for convertallfields""" for key in list(data.dt.keys()): objs = data.dt[key] for i, obj in enumerate(objs): key_i = data.dtls.index(key) key_comm = commdct[key_i] try: inblock = block[key_i] except TypeError as e: inblock = None obj = convertfields(key_comm, obj, inblock) objs[i] = obj
[docs]def addfunctions(dtls, bunchdt): """add functions to the objects""" snames = [ "BuildingSurface:Detailed", "Wall:Detailed", "RoofCeiling:Detailed", "Floor:Detailed", "FenestrationSurface:Detailed", "Shading:Site:Detailed", "Shading:Building:Detailed", "Shading:Zone:Detailed", ] for sname in snames: if sname.upper() in bunchdt: surfaces = bunchdt[sname.upper()] for surface in surfaces: func_dict = { "area": fh.area, "height": fh.height, # not working correctly "width": fh.width, # not working correctly "azimuth": fh.azimuth, "tilt": fh.tilt, "coords": fh.getcoords, # needed for debugging } try: surface.__functions.update(func_dict) except KeyError as e: surface.__functions = func_dict
# add common functions # for name in dtls: # for idfobject in bunchdt[name]: # idfobject.__functions # idfobject['__functions']['fieldnames'] = fieldnames # idfobject['__functions']['fieldvalues'] = fieldvalues # idfobject['__functions']['getrange'] = GetRange(idfobject) # idfobject['__functions']['checkrange'] = CheckRange(idfobject)
[docs]def addfunctions2new(abunch, key): """add functions to a new bunch/munch object""" snames = [ "BuildingSurface:Detailed", "Wall:Detailed", "RoofCeiling:Detailed", "Floor:Detailed", "FenestrationSurface:Detailed", "Shading:Site:Detailed", "Shading:Building:Detailed", "Shading:Zone:Detailed", ] snames = [sname.upper() for sname in snames] if key in snames: func_dict = { "area": fh.area, "height": fh.height, # not working correctly "width": fh.width, # not working correctly "azimuth": fh.azimuth, "tilt": fh.tilt, "coords": fh.getcoords, # needed for debugging } try: abunch.__functions.update(func_dict) except KeyError as e: abunch.__functions = func_dict return abunch
[docs]def idfreader(fname, iddfile, conv=True): """read idf file and return bunches""" data, commdct, idd_index = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile) if conv: convertallfields(data, commdct) # fill gaps in idd ddtt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls # skiplist = ["TABLE:MULTIVARIABLELOOKUP"] nofirstfields = iddgaps.missingkeys_standard( commdct, dtls, skiplist=["TABLE:MULTIVARIABLELOOKUP"] ) iddgaps.missingkeys_nonstandard(None, commdct, dtls, nofirstfields) bunchdt = makebunches(data, commdct) return bunchdt, data, commdct, idd_index
[docs]def idfreader1(fname, iddfile, theidf, conv=True, commdct=None, block=None): """read idf file and return bunches""" versiontuple = iddversiontuple(iddfile) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() block, data, commdct, idd_index = readidf.readdatacommdct1( fname, iddfile=iddfile, commdct=commdct, block=block ) if conv: convertallfields(data, commdct, block) # fill gaps in idd ddtt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls if versiontuple < (8,): skiplist = ["TABLE:MULTIVARIABLELOOKUP"] else: skiplist = None nofirstfields = iddgaps.missingkeys_standard(commdct, dtls, skiplist=skiplist) iddgaps.missingkeys_nonstandard(block, commdct, dtls, nofirstfields) # bunchdt = makebunches(data, commdct) bunchdt = makebunches_alter(data, commdct, theidf, block) return bunchdt, block, data, commdct, idd_index, versiontuple
# complete -- remove this junk below # working code - working on it now. # N3, A4, M8, A5 # # N3, A4, M8, A5 # N4, A6, M9, A7 # N5, A8, M10, A9 # N6, A10, M11, A11 # ref = idf1.newidfobject("Refrigeration:WalkIn".upper()) # lastvars = ["N3", "A4", "M8", "A5"] # lastvars = [u'A18', # u'N29', # u'N30', # u'N31', # u'N32', # u'N33', # u'A19', # u'N34', # u'N35', # u'N36', # u'A20', # u'A21'] # alpha_lastvars = [i[0] for i in lastvars] # int_lastvars = [int(i[1:]) for i in lastvars] # # # # n = 2 # # lst = [] # for alpha, start in zip(alpha_lastvars, int_lastvars): # step = alpha_lastvars.count(alpha) # rng = range(start +1, start + 1 + n * step, step) # lst.append(["{}{}".format(alpha, item) for item in rng]) # # from itertools import chain # c = list(chain(*zip(*lst))) # #