Source code for eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.parse_idd

#!/usr/bin/env python

## EPlusInterface (EPI) - An interface for EnergyPlus
## Copyright (C) 2004 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
#  (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
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"""legacy code from EPlusInterface"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from io import StringIO
from io import FileIO
from decorator import decorator

import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.mylib1 as mylib1
import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.mylib2 as mylib2
import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.iddgroups as iddgroups
import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.iddindex as iddindex

[docs]def nocomment(astr, com): """ just like the comment in python. removes any text after the phrase 'com' """ alist = astr.splitlines() for i in range(len(alist)): element = alist[i] pnt = element.find(com) if pnt != -1: alist[i] = element[:pnt] return "\n".join(alist)
[docs]def get_nocom_vars(astr): """ input 'astr' which is the Energy+.idd file as a string returns (st1, st2, lss) st1 = with all the ! comments striped st2 = strips all comments - both the '!' and '\\' lss = nested list of all the variables in Energy+.idd file """ nocom = nocomment(astr, "!") # remove '!' comments st1 = nocom nocom1 = nocomment(st1, "\\") # remove '\' comments st1 = nocom st2 = nocom1 # alist = string.split(st2, ';') alist = st2.split(";") lss = [] # break the .idd file into a nested list # ======================================= for element in alist: # item = string.split(element, ',') item = element.split(",") lss.append(item) for i in range(0, len(lss)): for j in range(0, len(lss[i])): lss[i][j] = lss[i][j].strip() if len(lss) > 1: lss.pop(-1) # ======================================= # st1 has the '\' comments --- looks like I don't use this # lss is the .idd file as a nested list return (st1, st2, lss)
[docs]def removeblanklines(astr): """remove the blank lines in astr""" lines = astr.splitlines() lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip() != ""] return "\n".join(lines)
def _readfname(fname): """copied from extractidddata below. It deals with all the types of fnames""" try: if isinstance(fname, (file, StringIO)): astr = else: astr = open(fname, "rb").read() except NameError: if isinstance(fname, (FileIO, StringIO)): astr = else: astr = mylib2.readfile(fname) return astr @decorator def make_idd_index(extract_func, fname, debug): """generate the iddindex""" astr = _readfname(fname) # fname is exhausted by the above read # reconstitute fname as a StringIO fname = StringIO(astr) # glist = iddgroups.iddtxt2grouplist(astr.decode('ISO-8859-2')) blocklst, commlst, commdct = extract_func(fname) name2refs = iddindex.makename2refdct(commdct) ref2namesdct = iddindex.makeref2namesdct(name2refs) idd_index = dict(name2refs=name2refs, ref2names=ref2namesdct) commdct = iddindex.ref2names2commdct(ref2namesdct, commdct) return blocklst, commlst, commdct, idd_index @decorator def embedgroupdata(extract_func, fname, debug): """insert group info into extracted idd""" astr = _readfname(fname) # fname is exhausted by the above read # reconstitute fname as a StringIO fname = StringIO(astr) try: astr = astr.decode("ISO-8859-2") except Exception as e: pass # for python 3 glist = iddgroups.iddtxt2grouplist(astr) blocklst, commlst, commdct = extract_func(fname) # add group information to commlst and commdct # glist = getglist(fname) commlst = iddgroups.group2commlst(commlst, glist) commdct = iddgroups.group2commdct(commdct, glist) return blocklst, commlst, commdct
[docs]@make_idd_index @embedgroupdata def extractidddata(fname, debug=False): """ extracts all the needed information out of the idd file if debug is True, it generates a series of text files. Each text file is incrementally different. You can do a diff see what the change is - this code is from 2004. it works. I am trying not to change it (until I rewrite the whole thing) to add functionality to it, I am using decorators So if Does not integrate group data into the results (@embedgroupdata does it) Does not integrate iddindex into the results (@make_idd_index does it) """ try: if isinstance(fname, (file, StringIO)): astr = try: astr = astr.decode("ISO-8859-2") except AttributeError: pass else: astr = mylib2.readfile(fname) # astr = astr.decode('ISO-8859-2') -> mylib1 does a decode except NameError: if isinstance(fname, (FileIO, StringIO)): astr = try: astr = astr.decode("ISO-8859-2") except AttributeError: pass else: astr = mylib2.readfile(fname) # astr = astr.decode('ISO-8859-2') -> mylib2.readfile has decoded (nocom, nocom1, blocklst) = get_nocom_vars(astr) astr = nocom st1 = removeblanklines(astr) if debug: mylib1.write_str2file("nocom2.txt", st1.encode("latin-1")) # find the groups and the start object of the group # find all the group strings groupls = [] alist = st1.splitlines() for element in alist: lss = element.split() if lss[0].upper() == "\\group".upper(): groupls.append(element) # find the var just after each item in groupls groupstart = [] for i in range(len(groupls)): iindex = alist.index(groupls[i]) groupstart.append([alist[iindex], alist[iindex + 1]]) # remove the group commentline for element in groupls: alist.remove(element) if debug: st1 = "\n".join(alist) mylib1.write_str2file("nocom3.txt", st1.encode("latin-1")) # strip each line for i in range(len(alist)): alist[i] = alist[i].strip() if debug: st1 = "\n".join(alist) mylib1.write_str2file("nocom4.txt", st1.encode("latin-1")) # ensure that each line is a comment or variable # find lines that don't start with a comment # if this line has a comment in it # then move the comment to a new line below lss = [] for i in range(len(alist)): # find lines that don't start with a comment if alist[i][0] != "\\": # if this line has a comment in it pnt = alist[i].find("\\") if pnt != -1: # then move the comment to a new line below lss.append(alist[i][:pnt].strip()) lss.append(alist[i][pnt:].strip()) else: lss.append(alist[i]) else: lss.append(alist[i]) alist = lss[:] if debug: st1 = "\n".join(alist) mylib1.write_str2file("nocom5.txt", st1.encode("latin-1")) # need to make sure that each line has only one variable - as in WindowGlassSpectralData, lss = [] for element in alist: # if the line is not a comment if element[0] != "\\": # test for more than one var llist = element.split(",") if llist[-1] == "": tmp = llist.pop() for elm in llist: if elm[-1] == ";": lss.append(elm.strip()) else: lss.append((elm + ",").strip()) else: lss.append(element) ls_debug = alist[:] # needed for the next debug - 'nocom7.txt' alist = lss[:] if debug: st1 = "\n".join(alist) mylib1.write_str2file("nocom6.txt", st1.encode("latin-1")) if debug: # need to make sure that each line has only one variable - as in WindowGlassSpectralData, # this is same as above. # but the variables are put in without the ';' and ',' # so we can do a diff between 'nocom7.txt' and 'nocom8.txt'. Should be identical lss_debug = [] for element in ls_debug: # if the line is not a comment if element[0] != "\\": # test for more than one var llist = element.split(",") if llist[-1] == "": tmp = llist.pop() for elm in llist: if elm[-1] == ";": lss_debug.append(elm[:-1].strip()) else: lss_debug.append((elm).strip()) else: lss_debug.append(element) ls_debug = lss_debug[:] st1 = "\n".join(ls_debug) mylib1.write_str2file("nocom7.txt", st1.encode("latin-1")) # replace each var with '=====var======' # join into a string, # split using '=====var=====' for i in range(len(lss)): # if the line is not a comment if lss[i][0] != "\\": lss[i] = "=====var=====" st2 = "\n".join(lss) lss = st2.split("=====var=====\n") lss.pop(0) # the above split generates an extra item at start if debug: fname = "nocom8.txt" fhandle = open(fname, "wb") k = 0 for i in range(len(blocklst)): for j in range(len(blocklst[i])): atxt = blocklst[i][j] + "\n" fhandle.write(atxt) atxt = lss[k] fhandle.write(atxt.encode("latin-1")) k = k + 1 fhandle.close() # map the structure of the comments -(this is 'lss' now) to # the structure of blocklst - blocklst is a nested list # make lss a similar nested list k = 0 lst = [] for i in range(len(blocklst)): lst.append([]) for j in range(len(blocklst[i])): lst[i].append(lss[k]) k = k + 1 if debug: fname = "nocom9.txt" fhandle = open(fname, "wb") k = 0 for i in range(len(blocklst)): for j in range(len(blocklst[i])): atxt = blocklst[i][j] + "\n" fhandle.write(atxt) fhandle.write(lst[i][j].encode("latin-1")) k = k + 1 fhandle.close() # break up multiple line comment so that it is a list for i in range(len(lst)): for j in range(len(lst[i])): lst[i][j] = lst[i][j].splitlines() # remove the '\' for k in range(len(lst[i][j])): lst[i][j][k] = lst[i][j][k][1:] commlst = lst # copied with minor modifications from -- which has been erased ha ! clist = lst lss = [] for i in range(0, len(clist)): alist = [] for j in range(0, len(clist[i])): itt = clist[i][j] ddtt = {} for element in itt: if len(element.split()) == 0: break ddtt[element.split()[0].lower()] = [] for element in itt: if len(element.split()) == 0: break # ddtt[element.split()[0].lower()].append(string.join(element.split()[1:])) ddtt[element.split()[0].lower()].append(" ".join(element.split()[1:])) alist.append(ddtt) lss.append(alist) commdct = lss # add group information to commlst and commdct # glist = iddgroups.idd2grouplist(fname) # commlst = group2commlst(commlst, glist) # commdct = group2commdct(commdct, glist) return blocklst, commlst, commdct
# give blocklst a better name :-(
[docs]def getobjectref(blocklst, commdct): """ makes a dictionary of object-lists each item in the dictionary points to a list of tuples the tuple is (objectname, fieldindex) """ objlst_dct = {} for eli in commdct: for elj in eli: if "object-list" in elj: objlist = elj["object-list"][0] objlst_dct[objlist] = [] for objlist in list(objlst_dct.keys()): for i in range(len(commdct)): for j in range(len(commdct[i])): if "reference" in commdct[i][j]: for ref in commdct[i][j]["reference"]: if ref == objlist: objlst_dct[objlist].append((blocklst[i][0], j)) return objlst_dct