Source code for eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.mylib2

# EPlusInterface (EPI) - An interface for EnergyPlus
# Copyright (C) 2004 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
#  (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
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"""leagacy code from EPlusInterface"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os, pickle

# import string
import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.mylib1 as mylib1

RET = "\r\n"

[docs]def readfile(filename): """readfile""" fhandle = open(filename, "rb") data = try: data = data.decode("ISO-8859-2") except AttributeError: pass fhandle.close() return data
[docs]def printlist(alist): """printlist""" for num in range(0, len(alist)): print(alist[num])
[docs]def printdict(adict): """printdict""" dlist = list(adict.keys()) dlist.sort() for i in range(0, len(dlist)): print(dlist[i], adict[dlist[i]])
[docs]def tabfile2list(fname): "tabfile2list" # dat = mylib1.readfileasmac(fname) # data = string.strip(dat) data = mylib1.readfileasmac(fname) # data = data[:-2]#remove the last return alist = data.split("\r") # since I read it as a mac file blist = alist[1].split("\t") clist = [] for num in range(0, len(alist)): ilist = alist[num].split("\t") clist = clist + [ilist] cclist = clist[:-1] # the last element is turning out to be empty return cclist
[docs]def tabstr2list(data): """tabstr2list""" alist = data.split(os.linesep) blist = alist[1].split("\t") clist = [] for num in range(0, len(alist)): ilist = alist[num].split("\t") clist = clist + [ilist] cclist = clist[:-1] # the last element is turning out to be empty # this is because the string ends with a os.linesep return cclist
[docs]def list2doe(alist): """list2doe""" theequal = "" astr = "" lenj = len(alist) leni = len(alist[0]) for i in range(0, leni - 1): for j in range(0, lenj): if j == 0: astr = astr + alist[j][i + 1] + theequal + alist[j][0] + RET else: astr = astr + alist[j][0] + theequal + alist[j][i + 1] + RET astr = astr + RET return astr
[docs]def tabfile2doefile(tabfile, doefile): """tabfile2doefile""" alist = tabfile2list(tabfile) astr = list2doe(alist) mylib1.write_str2file(doefile, astr)
[docs]def tabstr2doestr(astr): """tabstr2doestr""" alist = tabstr2list(astr) astr = list2doe(alist) return astr
[docs]def makedoedict(str1): """makedoedict""" blocklist = str1.split("..") blocklist = blocklist[:-1] # remove empty item after last '..' blockdict = {} belongsdict = {} for num in range(0, len(blocklist)): blocklist[num] = blocklist[num].strip() linelist = blocklist[num].split(os.linesep) aline = linelist[0] alinelist = aline.split("=") name = alinelist[0].strip() aline = linelist[1] alinelist = aline.split("=") belongs = alinelist[-1].strip() theblock = blocklist[num] + os.linesep + ".." + os.linesep + os.linesep # put the '..' back in the block blockdict[name] = theblock belongsdict[name] = belongs return [blockdict, belongsdict]
[docs]def makedoetree(ddict, bdict): """makedoetree""" dlist = list(ddict.keys()) blist = list(bdict.keys()) dlist.sort() blist.sort() # make space dict doesnot = "DOES NOT" lst = [] for num in range(0, len(blist)): if bdict[blist[num]] == doesnot: # belong lst = lst + [blist[num]] doedict = {} for num in range(0, len(lst)): # print lst[num] doedict[lst[num]] = {} lv1list = list(doedict.keys()) lv1list.sort() # make wall dict # for each space for i in range(0, len(lv1list)): walllist = [] adict = doedict[lv1list[i]] # loop thru the entire blist dictonary and list the ones that belong into walllist for num in range(0, len(blist)): if bdict[blist[num]] == lv1list[i]: walllist = walllist + [blist[num]] # put walllist into dict for j in range(0, len(walllist)): adict[walllist[j]] = {} # make window dict # for each space for i in range(0, len(lv1list)): adict1 = doedict[lv1list[i]] # for each wall walllist = list(adict1.keys()) walllist.sort() for j in range(0, len(walllist)): windlist = [] adict2 = adict1[walllist[j]] # loop thru the entire blist dictonary and list the ones that belong into windlist for num in range(0, len(blist)): if bdict[blist[num]] == walllist[j]: windlist = windlist + [blist[num]] # put walllist into dict for k in range(0, len(windlist)): adict2[windlist[k]] = {} return doedict
[docs]def tree2doe(str1): """tree2doe""" retstuff = makedoedict(str1) ddict = makedoetree(retstuff[0], retstuff[1]) ddict = retstuff[0] retstuff[1] = {} # don't need it anymore str1 = "" # just re-using it l1list = list(ddict.keys()) l1list.sort() for i in range(0, len(l1list)): str1 = str1 + ddict[l1list[i]] l2list = list(ddict[l1list[i]].keys()) l2list.sort() for j in range(0, len(l2list)): str1 = str1 + ddict[l2list[j]] l3list = list(ddict[l1list[i]][l2list[j]].keys()) l3list.sort() for k in range(0, len(l3list)): str1 = str1 + ddict[l3list[k]] return str1
[docs]def mtabstr2doestr(st1): """mtabstr2doestr""" seperator = "$ ==============" alist = st1.split(seperator) # this removes all the tabs that excel # puts after the seperator and before the next line for num in range(0, len(alist)): alist[num] = alist[num].lstrip() st2 = "" for num in range(0, len(alist)): alist = tabstr2list(alist[num]) st2 = st2 + list2doe(alist) lss = st2.split("..") mylib1.write_str2file("forfinal.txt", st2) # for debugging print(len(lss)) st3 = tree2doe(st2) lsss = st3.split("..") print(len(lsss)) return st3
[docs]def getoneblock(astr, start, end): """get the block bounded by start and end doesn't work for multiple blocks""" alist = astr.split(start) astr = alist[-1] alist = astr.split(end) astr = alist[0] return astr
[docs]def doestr2tabstr(astr, kword): """doestr2tabstr""" alist = astr.split("..") del astr # strip junk put .. back for num in range(0, len(alist)): alist[num] = alist[num].strip() alist[num] = alist[num] + os.linesep + ".." + os.linesep alist.pop() lblock = [] for num in range(0, len(alist)): linels = alist[num].split(os.linesep) firstline = linels[0] assignls = firstline.split("=") keyword = assignls[-1].strip() if keyword == kword: lblock = lblock + [alist[num]] # print firstline # get all val lval = [] for num in range(0, len(lblock)): block = lblock[num] linel = block.split(os.linesep) lvalin = [] for k in range(0, len(linel)): line = linel[k] assignl = line.split("=") if k == 0: lvalin = lvalin + [assignl[0]] else: if assignl[-1] == "..": assignl[-1] = "." lvalin = lvalin + [assignl[-1]] lvalin.pop() lval = lval + [lvalin] # get keywords kwordl = [] block = lblock[0] linel = block.split(os.linesep) for k in range(0, len(linel)): line = linel[k] assignl = line.split("=") if k == 0: kword = " = " + assignl[1].strip() else: if assignl[0] == "..": assignl[0] = "." else: assignl[0] = assignl[0] + "=" kword = assignl[0].strip() kwordl = kwordl + [kword] kwordl.pop() astr = "" for num in range(0, len(kwordl)): linest = "" linest = linest + kwordl[num] for k in range(0, len(lval)): linest = linest + "\t" + lval[k][num] astr = astr + linest + os.linesep return astr
[docs]def myreplace(astr, thefind, thereplace): """in string astr replace all occurences of thefind with thereplace""" alist = astr.split(thefind) new_s = alist.split(thereplace) return new_s
[docs]def fslicebefore(astr, sub): """Return the slice starting at sub in string astr""" findex = astr.find(sub) return astr[findex:]
[docs]def fsliceafter(astr, sub): """Return the slice after at sub in string astr""" findex = astr.find(sub) return astr[findex + len(sub) :]
[docs]def pickleload(fname): """same as pickle.load(fhandle).takes filename as parameter""" fhandle = open(fname, "rb") return pickle.load(fhandle)
[docs]def pickledump(theobject, fname): """same as pickle.dump(theobject, fhandle).takes filename as parameter""" fhandle = open(fname, "wb") pickle.dump(theobject, fhandle)