Source code for eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.iddgroups

# Copyright (c) 2016 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
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"""extract the groups from the iddfile"""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

[docs]def nocomment(astr, com): """ just like the comment in python. removes any text after the phrase 'com' """ alist = astr.splitlines() for i in range(len(alist)): element = alist[i] pnt = element.find(com) if pnt != -1: alist[i] = element[:pnt] return "\n".join(alist)
[docs]def idd2group(fhandle): """wrapper for iddtxt2groups""" try: txt = return iddtxt2groups(txt) except AttributeError as e: txt = open(fhandle, "r").read() return iddtxt2groups(txt)
[docs]def idd2grouplist(fhandle): """wrapper for iddtxt2grouplist""" try: txt = return iddtxt2grouplist(txt) except AttributeError as e: txt = open(fhandle, "r").read() return iddtxt2grouplist(txt)
[docs]def iddtxt2groups(txt): """extract the groups from the idd file""" try: txt = txt.decode("ISO-8859-2") except AttributeError as e: pass # for python 3 txt = nocomment(txt, "!") txt = txt.replace("\\group", "!-group") # retains group in next line txt = nocomment(txt, "\\") # remove all other idd info lines = txt.splitlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] # cleanup lines = [line for line in lines if line != ""] # cleanup txt = "\n".join(lines) gsplits = txt.split("!") # split into groups, since we have !-group gsplits = [gsplit.splitlines() for gsplit in gsplits] # split group gsplits[0].insert(0, None) # Put None for the first group that does nothave a group name gdict = {} for gsplit in gsplits: gdict.update({gsplit[0]: gsplit[1:]}) # makes dict {groupname:[k1, k2], groupname2:[k3, k4]} gdict = {k: "\n".join(v) for k, v in gdict.items()} # joins lines back gdict = {k: v.split(";") for k, v in gdict.items()} # splits into idfobjects gdict = {k: [i.strip() for i in v] for k, v in gdict.items()} # cleanup gdict = {k: [i.splitlines() for i in v] for k, v in gdict.items()} # splits idfobjects into lines gdict = {k: [i for i in v if len(i) > 0] for k, v in gdict.items()} # cleanup - removes blank lines gdict = {k: [i[0] for i in v] for k, v in gdict.items()} # use first line gdict = {k: [i.split(",")[0] for i in v] for k, v in gdict.items()} # remove ',' nvalue = gdict.pop(None) # remove group with no name gdict = {k[len("-group ") :]: v for k, v in gdict.items()} # get group name gdict.update({None: nvalue}) # put back group with no name return gdict
[docs]def iddtxt2grouplist(txt): """return a list of group names the list in the same order as the idf objects in idd file """ def makenone(astr): if astr == "None": return None else: return astr txt = nocomment(txt, "!") txt = txt.replace("\\group", "!-group") # retains group in next line txt = nocomment(txt, "\\") # remove all other idd info lines = txt.splitlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] # cleanup lines = [line for line in lines if line != ""] # cleanup txt = "\n".join(lines) gsplits = txt.split("!") # split into groups, since we have !-group gsplits = [gsplit.splitlines() for gsplit in gsplits] # split group gsplits[0].insert(0, "-group None") # Put None for the first group that does nothave a group name glist = [] for gsplit in gsplits: glist.append((gsplit[0], gsplit[1:])) # makes dict {groupname:[k1, k2], groupname2:[k3, k4]} glist = [(k, "\n".join(v)) for k, v in glist] # joins lines back glist = [(k, v.split(";")) for k, v in glist] # splits into idfobjects glist = [(k, [i.strip() for i in v]) for k, v in glist] # cleanup glist = [(k, [i.splitlines() for i in v]) for k, v in glist] # splits idfobjects into lines glist = [(k, [i for i in v if len(i) > 0]) for k, v in glist] # cleanup - removes blank lines glist = [(k, [i[0] for i in v]) for k, v in glist] # use first line fglist = [] for gnamelist in glist: gname = gnamelist[0] thelist = gnamelist[-1] for item in thelist: fglist.append((gname, item)) glist = [ (gname[len("-group ") :], obj) for gname, obj in fglist ] # remove "-group " glist = [(makenone(gname), obj) for gname, obj in glist] # make str None into None glist = [(gname, obj.split(",")[0]) for gname, obj in glist] # remove comma return glist
[docs]def group2commlst(commlst, glist): """add group info to commlst""" for (gname, objname), commitem in zip(glist, commlst): newitem1 = "group %s" % (gname,) newitem2 = "idfobj %s" % (objname,) commitem[0].insert(0, newitem1) commitem[0].insert(1, newitem2) return commlst
[docs]def group2commdct(commdct, glist): """add group info tocomdct""" for (gname, objname), commitem in zip(glist, commdct): commitem[0]["group"] = gname commitem[0]["idfobj"] = objname return commdct
[docs]def commdct2grouplist(gcommdct): """extract embedded group data from commdct. return gdict -> {g1:[obj1, obj2, obj3], g2:[obj4, ..]}""" gdict = {} for objidd in gcommdct: group = objidd[0]["group"] objname = objidd[0]["idfobj"] if group in gdict: gdict[group].append(objname) else: gdict[group] = [objname] return gdict