Source code for eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.eplusdata

"""Legacy code from EPlusInterface"""
# Copyright (C) 2004 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
#  (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
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# this is a test version ... not for real use
# dammit i am using it
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path

import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.mylib2 as mylib2

[docs]def removecomment(astr, cphrase): """ the comment is similar to that in python. any charachter after the # is treated as a comment until the end of the line astr is the string to be de-commented cphrase is the comment phrase""" # linesep = mylib3.getlinesep(astr) alist = astr.splitlines() for i in range(len(alist)): alist1 = alist[i].split(cphrase) alist[i] = alist1[0] # return string.join(alist, linesep) return "\n".join(alist)
[docs]class Idd(object): """Idd object""" def __init__(self, dictfile, version=2): if version == 2: # version == 2. This is a just a flag I am using # it may wind up being the only type... then I can clean this up # and not use the other option self.dt, self.dtls = self.initdict2(dictfile) return self.dt, self.dtls = self.initdict(dictfile)
[docs] def initdict2(self, dictfile): """initdict2""" dt = {} dtls = [] adict = dictfile for element in adict: dt[element[0].upper()] = [] # dict keys for objects always in caps dtls.append(element[0].upper()) return dt, dtls
[docs] def initdict(self, fname): """initdict""" astr = mylib2.readfile(fname) nocom = removecomment(astr, "!") idfst = nocom alist = idfst.split(";") lss = [] for element in alist: lst = element.split(",") lss.append(lst) for i in range(0, len(lss)): for j in range(0, len(lss[i])): lss[i][j] = lss[i][j].strip() dt = {} dtls = [] for element in lss: if element[0] == "": continue dt[element[0].upper()] = [] dtls.append(element[0].upper()) return dt, dtls
[docs]class Eplusdata(object): """Eplusdata""" def __init__(self, dictfile=None, fname=None): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if fname == None and dictfile == None: self.dt, self.dtls = {}, [] if isinstance(dictfile, (str, Path)) and fname == None: self.initdict(dictfile) if isinstance(dictfile, Idd) and fname == None: self.initdict(dictfile) if isinstance(fname, (str, Path)) and isinstance(dictfile, (str, Path)): fnamefobject = open(fname, "rb") self.makedict(dictfile, fnamefobject) if isinstance(fname, (str, Path)) and isinstance(dictfile, Idd): fnamefobject = open(fname, "rb") self.makedict(dictfile, fnamefobject) try: # will fail in python3 because of file if isinstance(fname, (file, StringIO)) and isinstance(dictfile, str): self.makedict(dictfile, fname) if isinstance(fname, (file, StringIO)) and isinstance(dictfile, Idd): self.makedict(dictfile, fname) except NameError: from io import IOBase if isinstance(fname, (IOBase, StringIO)) and isinstance(dictfile, str): self.makedict(dictfile, fname) if isinstance(fname, (IOBase, StringIO)) and isinstance(dictfile, Idd): self.makedict(dictfile, fname) def __repr__(self): # print dictionary dt = self.dt dtls = self.dtls UNIXSEP = "\n" DOSSEP = UNIXSEP # using a unix EOL astr = "" for node in dtls: nodedata = dt[node.upper()] for block in nodedata: for i in range(len(block)): fformat = " %s," + DOSSEP if i == 0: fformat = "%s," + DOSSEP if i == len(block) - 1: fformat = " %s;" + DOSSEP * 2 astr = astr + fformat % block[i] return astr # ------------------------------------------
[docs] def initdict(self, fname): """create a blank dictionary""" if isinstance(fname, Idd): self.dt, self.dtls = fname.dt, fname.dtls return self.dt, self.dtls astr = mylib2.readfile(fname) nocom = removecomment(astr, "!") idfst = nocom alist = idfst.split(";") lss = [] for element in alist: lst = element.split(",") lss.append(lst) for i in range(0, len(lss)): for j in range(0, len(lss[i])): lss[i][j] = lss[i][j].strip() dt = {} dtls = [] for element in lss: if element[0] == "": continue dt[element[0].upper()] = [] dtls.append(element[0].upper()) self.dt, self.dtls = dt, dtls return dt, dtls
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[docs] def makedict(self, dictfile, fnamefobject): """stuff file data into the blank dictionary""" # fname = './exapmlefiles/5ZoneDD.idf' # fname = './1ZoneUncontrolled.idf' if isinstance(dictfile, Idd): localidd = copy.deepcopy(dictfile) dt, dtls = localidd.dt, localidd.dtls else: dt, dtls = self.initdict(dictfile) # astr = mylib2.readfile(fname) astr = try: astr = astr.decode("ISO-8859-2") except AttributeError: pass fnamefobject.close() nocom = removecomment(astr, "!") idfst = nocom # alist = string.split(idfst, ';') alist = idfst.split(";") lss = [] for element in alist: # lst = string.split(element, ',') lst = element.split(",") lss.append(lst) for i in range(0, len(lss)): for j in range(0, len(lss[i])): lss[i][j] = lss[i][j].strip() for element in lss: node = element[0].upper() if node in dt: # stuff data in this key dt[node.upper()].append(element) else: # scream if node == "": continue print("this node -%s-is not present in base dictionary" % (node)) self.dt, self.dtls = dt, dtls return dt, dtls
[docs] def replacenode(self, othereplus, node): """replace the node here with the node from othereplus""" node = node.upper() self.dt[node.upper()] = othereplus.dt[node.upper()]
[docs] def add2node(self, othereplus, node): """add the node here with the node from othereplus this will potentially have duplicates""" node = node.upper() self.dt[node.upper()] = self.dt[node.upper()] + othereplus.dt[node.upper()]
[docs] def addinnode(self, otherplus, node, objectname): """add an item to the node. example: add a new zone to the element 'ZONE'""" # do a test for unique object here newelement = otherplus.dt[node.upper()]
[docs] def getrefs(self, reflist): """ reflist is got from getobjectref in getobjectref returns a dictionary. reflist is an item in the dictionary getrefs gathers all the fields refered by reflist """ alist = [] for element in reflist: if element[0].upper() in self.dt: for elm in self.dt[element[0].upper()]: alist.append(elm[element[1]]) return alist
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