Source code for eppy.hvacbuilder

# Copyright (c) 2012 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
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"""make plant loop snippets"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy

import eppy.bunch_subclass as bunch_subclass
from eppy.modeleditor import IDF
import eppy.modeleditor as modeleditor

[docs]class WhichLoopError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SomeFields(object): """Some fields""" c_fields = [ "Condenser Side Inlet Node Name", "Condenser Side Outlet Node Name", "Condenser Side Branch List Name", "Condenser Side Connector List Name", "Demand Side Inlet Node Name", "Demand Side Outlet Node Name", "Condenser Demand Side Branch List Name", "Condenser Demand Side Connector List Name", ] p_fields = [ "Plant Side Inlet Node Name", "Plant Side Outlet Node Name", "Plant Side Branch List Name", "Plant Side Connector List Name", "Demand Side Inlet Node Name", "Demand Side Outlet Node Name", "Demand Side Branch List Name", "Demand Side Connector List Name", ] a_fields = [ "Branch List Name", "Connector List Name", "Supply Side Inlet Node Name", "Demand Side Outlet Node Name", "Demand Side Inlet Node Names", "Supply Side Outlet Node Names", ]
[docs]def flattencopy(lst): """flatten and return a copy of the list indefficient on large lists""" # modified from # thelist = copy.deepcopy(lst) list_is_nested = True while list_is_nested: # outer loop keepchecking = False atemp = [] for element in thelist: # inner loop if isinstance(element, list): atemp.extend(element) keepchecking = True else: atemp.append(element) list_is_nested = keepchecking # determine if outer loop exits thelist = atemp[:] return thelist
[docs]def makepipecomponent(idf, pname): """make a pipe component generate inlet outlet names""" apipe = idf.newidfobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), Name=pname) apipe.Inlet_Node_Name = "%s_inlet" % (pname,) apipe.Outlet_Node_Name = "%s_outlet" % (pname,) return apipe
[docs]def makeductcomponent(idf, dname): """make a duct component generate inlet outlet names""" aduct = idf.newidfobject("duct".upper(), Name=dname) aduct.Inlet_Node_Name = "%s_inlet" % (dname,) aduct.Outlet_Node_Name = "%s_outlet" % (dname,) return aduct
[docs]def makepipebranch(idf, bname): """make a branch with a pipe use standard inlet outlet names""" # make the pipe component first pname = "%s_pipe" % (bname,) apipe = makepipecomponent(idf, pname) # now make the branch with the pipe in it abranch = idf.newidfobject("BRANCH", Name=bname) abranch.Component_1_Object_Type = "Pipe:Adiabatic" abranch.Component_1_Name = pname abranch.Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name = apipe.Inlet_Node_Name abranch.Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name = apipe.Outlet_Node_Name abranch.Component_1_Branch_Control_Type = "Bypass" return abranch
[docs]def makeductbranch(idf, bname): """make a branch with a duct use standard inlet outlet names""" # make the duct component first pname = "%s_duct" % (bname,) aduct = makeductcomponent(idf, pname) # now make the branch with the duct in it abranch = idf.newidfobject("BRANCH", Name=bname) abranch.Component_1_Object_Type = "duct" abranch.Component_1_Name = pname abranch.Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name = aduct.Inlet_Node_Name abranch.Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name = aduct.Outlet_Node_Name abranch.Component_1_Branch_Control_Type = "Bypass" return abranch
[docs]def getbranchcomponents(idf, branch, utest=False): """get the components of the branch""" fobjtype = "Component_%s_Object_Type" fobjname = "Component_%s_Name" complist = [] for i in range(1, 100000): try: objtype = branch[fobjtype % (i,)] if objtype.strip() == "": break objname = branch[fobjname % (i,)] complist.append((objtype, objname)) except bunch_subclass.BadEPFieldError: break if utest: return complist else: return [idf.getobject(ot, on) for ot, on in complist]
[docs]def renamenodes(idf, fieldtype): """rename all the changed nodes""" renameds = [] for key in idf.model.dtls: for idfobject in idf.idfobjects[key]: for fieldvalue in idfobject.obj: if type(fieldvalue) is list: if fieldvalue not in renameds: cpvalue = copy.copy(fieldvalue) renameds.append(cpvalue) # do the renaming for key in idf.model.dtls: for idfobject in idf.idfobjects[key]: for i, fieldvalue in enumerate(idfobject.obj): itsidd = idfobject.objidd[i] if "type" in itsidd: if itsidd["type"][0] == fieldtype: tempdct = dict(renameds) if type(fieldvalue) is list: fieldvalue = fieldvalue[-1] idfobject.obj[i] = fieldvalue else: if fieldvalue in tempdct: fieldvalue = tempdct[fieldvalue] idfobject.obj[i] = fieldvalue
[docs]def getfieldnamesendswith(idfobject, endswith): """get the filednames for the idfobject based on endswith""" objls = idfobject.objls tmp = [name for name in objls if name.endswith(endswith)] if tmp == []: pass return [name for name in objls if name.endswith(endswith)]
[docs]def getnodefieldname(idfobject, endswith, fluid=None, startswith=None): """return the field name of the node fluid is only needed if there are air and water nodes fluid is Air or Water or ''. if the fluid is Steam, use Water""" if startswith is None: startswith = "" if fluid is None: fluid = "" nodenames = getfieldnamesendswith(idfobject, endswith) nodenames = [name for name in nodenames if name.startswith(startswith)] fnodenames = [nd for nd in nodenames if nd.find(fluid) != -1] fnodenames = [name for name in fnodenames if name.startswith(startswith)] if len(fnodenames) == 0: nodename = nodenames[0] else: nodename = fnodenames[0] return nodename
[docs]def connectcomponents(idf, components, fluid=None): """rename nodes so that the components get connected fluid is only needed if there are air and water nodes fluid is Air or Water or ''. if the fluid is Steam, use Water""" if fluid is None: fluid = "" if len(components) == 1: thiscomp, thiscompnode = components[0] initinletoutlet(idf, thiscomp, thiscompnode, force=False) outletnodename = getnodefieldname( thiscomp, "Outlet_Node_Name", fluid=fluid, startswith=thiscompnode ) thiscomp[outletnodename] = [thiscomp[outletnodename], thiscomp[outletnodename]] # inletnodename = getnodefieldname(nextcomp, "Inlet_Node_Name", fluid) # nextcomp[inletnodename] = [nextcomp[inletnodename], betweennodename] return components for i in range(len(components) - 1): thiscomp, thiscompnode = components[i] nextcomp, nextcompnode = components[i + 1] initinletoutlet(idf, thiscomp, thiscompnode, force=False) initinletoutlet(idf, nextcomp, nextcompnode, force=False) betweennodename = "%s_%s_node" % (thiscomp.Name, nextcomp.Name) outletnodename = getnodefieldname( thiscomp, "Outlet_Node_Name", fluid=fluid, startswith=thiscompnode ) thiscomp[outletnodename] = [thiscomp[outletnodename], betweennodename] inletnodename = getnodefieldname(nextcomp, "Inlet_Node_Name", fluid) nextcomp[inletnodename] = [nextcomp[inletnodename], betweennodename] return components
[docs]def initinletoutlet(idf, idfobject, thisnode, force=False): """initialze values for all the inlet outlet nodes for the object. if force == False, it willl init only if field = ''""" def blankfield(fieldvalue): """test for blank field""" try: if fieldvalue.strip() == "": return True else: return False except AttributeError: # field may be a list return False def trimfields(fields, thisnode): if len(fields) > 1: if thisnode is not None: fields = [field for field in fields if field.startswith(thisnode)] return fields else: print("Where should this loop connect ?") print("%s - %s" % (idfobject.key, idfobject.Name)) print([field.split("Inlet_Node_Name")[0] for field in inletfields]) raise WhichLoopError else: return fields inletfields = getfieldnamesendswith(idfobject, "Inlet_Node_Name") inletfields = trimfields(inletfields, thisnode) # or warn with exception for inletfield in inletfields: if blankfield(idfobject[inletfield]) == True or force == True: idfobject[inletfield] = "%s_%s" % (idfobject.Name, inletfield) outletfields = getfieldnamesendswith(idfobject, "Outlet_Node_Name") outletfields = trimfields(outletfields, thisnode) # or warn with exception for outletfield in outletfields: if blankfield(idfobject[outletfield]) == True or force == True: idfobject[outletfield] = "%s_%s" % (idfobject.Name, outletfield) return idfobject
[docs]def componentsintobranch(idf, branch, listofcomponents, fluid=None): """insert a list of components into a branch fluid is only needed if there are air and water nodes in same object fluid is Air or Water or ''. if the fluid is Steam, use Water""" if fluid is None: fluid = "" componentlist = [item[0] for item in listofcomponents] # assumes that the nodes of the component connect to each other # empty branch if it has existing components thebranchname = branch.Name thebranch = idf.removeextensibles("BRANCH", thebranchname) # empty the branch # fill in the new components with the node names into this branch # find the first extensible field and fill in the data in obj. e_index = idf.getextensibleindex("BRANCH", thebranchname) theobj = thebranch.obj modeleditor.extendlist(theobj, e_index) # just being careful here for comp, compnode in listofcomponents: theobj.append(comp.key) theobj.append(comp.Name) inletnodename = getnodefieldname( comp, "Inlet_Node_Name", fluid=fluid, startswith=compnode ) theobj.append(comp[inletnodename]) outletnodename = getnodefieldname( comp, "Outlet_Node_Name", fluid=fluid, startswith=compnode ) theobj.append(comp[outletnodename]) theobj.append("") return thebranch
[docs]def doingtesting(testing, testn, result=None): """doing testing""" testn += 1 if testing == testn: print(testing) returnnone() else: return testn
[docs]def returnnone(): """return None""" return None
[docs]def makeairloop(idf, loopname, sloop, dloop, testing=None): """make an airloop""" # -------- testing --------- testn = 0 # -------- testing --------- newairloop = idf.newidfobject("AirLoopHVAC".upper(), Name=loopname) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- fields = SomeFields.a_fields # for use in bunch flnames = [field.replace(" ", "_") for field in fields] # simplify naming fields1 = [ "Branches", "Connectors", "Supply Inlet", "Demand Outlet", "Demand Inlet", "Supply Outlet", ] # old TODO : pop connectors if no parallel branches # make fieldnames in the air loop fieldnames = ["%s %s" % (loopname, field) for field in fields1] for fieldname, thefield in zip(fieldnames, flnames): newairloop[thefield] = fieldname # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make the branch lists for this air loop sbranchlist = idf.newidfobject("BRANCHLIST", Name=newairloop[flnames[0]]) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # add branch names to the branchlist sbranchnames = flattencopy(sloop) # sbranchnames = sloop[1] for branchname in sbranchnames: sbranchlist.obj.append(branchname) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # supply side sbranchs = [] for bname in sbranchnames: branch = makeductbranch(idf, bname) sbranchs.append(branch) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop anode = "Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name" sameinnode = "Supply_Side_Inlet_Node_Name" # TODO : change ? sbranchs[0][anode] = newairloop[sameinnode] anode = "Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name" sameoutnode = "Supply_Side_Outlet_Node_Names" # TODO : change ? sbranchs[-1][anode] = newairloop[sameoutnode] # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in pipe dname = sbranchs[0]["Component_1_Name"] # get the duct name aduct = idf.getobject("duct".upper(), dname) # get duct aduct.Inlet_Node_Name = newairloop[sameinnode] dname = sbranchs[-1]["Component_1_Name"] # get the duct name aduct = idf.getobject("duct".upper(), dname) # get duct aduct.Outlet_Node_Name = newairloop[sameoutnode] # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # # # TODO : test if there are parallel branches # make the connectorlist an fill fields sconnlist = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTORLIST", Name=newairloop.Connector_List_Name) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- sconnlist.Connector_1_Object_Type = "Connector:Splitter" sconnlist.Connector_1_Name = "%s_supply_splitter" % (loopname,) sconnlist.Connector_2_Object_Type = "Connector:Mixer" sconnlist.Connector_2_Name = "%s_supply_mixer" % (loopname,) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make splitters and mixers s_splitter = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:SPLITTER", Name=sconnlist.Connector_1_Name) s_splitter.obj.extend([sloop[0]] + sloop[1]) s_mixer = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:MIXER", Name=sconnlist.Connector_2_Name) s_mixer.obj.extend([sloop[-1]] + sloop[1]) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # demand side loop for airloop is made below # ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections for zone in dloop: equipconn = idf.newidfobject("ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections".upper()) equipconn.Zone_Name = zone fldname = "Zone_Conditioning_Equipment_List_Name" equipconn[fldname] = "%s equip list" % (zone,) fldname = "Zone_Air_Inlet_Node_or_NodeList_Name" equipconn[fldname] = "%s Inlet Node" % (zone,) fldname = "Zone_Air_Node_Name" equipconn[fldname] = "%s Node" % (zone,) fldname = "Zone_Return_Air_Node_Name" equipconn[fldname] = "%s Outlet Node" % (zone,) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList for zone in dloop: z_equiplst = idf.newidfobject("ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList".upper()) z_equipconn = modeleditor.getobjects( idf.idfobjects, idf.model, idf.idd_info, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections".upper(), # places=7, **dict(Zone_Name=zone) )[0] z_equiplst.Name = z_equipconn.Zone_Conditioning_Equipment_List_Name fld = "Zone_Equipment_1_Object_Type" z_equiplst[fld] = "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled" z_equiplst.Zone_Equipment_1_Name = "%sDirectAir" % (zone,) z_equiplst.Zone_Equipment_1_Cooling_Sequence = 1 z_equiplst.Zone_Equipment_1_Heating_or_NoLoad_Sequence = 1 # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled for zone in dloop: z_equipconn = modeleditor.getobjects( idf.idfobjects, idf.model, idf.idd_info, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections".upper(), # places=7, **dict(Zone_Name=zone) )[0] key = "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled".upper() z_airterm = idf.newidfobject(key) z_airterm.Name = "%sDirectAir" % (zone,) fld1 = "Zone_Supply_Air_Node_Name" fld2 = "Zone_Air_Inlet_Node_or_NodeList_Name" z_airterm[fld1] = z_equipconn[fld2] z_airterm.Maximum_Air_Flow_Rate = "autosize" # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # MAKE AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter # zone = dloop[0] key = "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter".upper() z_splitter = idf.newidfobject(key) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- z_splitter.Name = "%s Demand Side Splitter" % (loopname,) z_splitter.Inlet_Node_Name = newairloop.Demand_Side_Inlet_Node_Names for i, zone in enumerate(dloop): z_equipconn = modeleditor.getobjects( idf.idfobjects, idf.model, idf.idd_info, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections".upper(), # places=7, **dict(Zone_Name=zone) )[0] fld = "Outlet_%s_Node_Name" % (i + 1,) z_splitter[fld] = z_equipconn.Zone_Air_Inlet_Node_or_NodeList_Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath key = "AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath".upper() z_supplypth = idf.newidfobject(key) z_supplypth.Name = "%sSupplyPath" % (loopname,) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- fld1 = "Supply_Air_Path_Inlet_Node_Name" fld2 = "Demand_Side_Inlet_Node_Names" z_supplypth[fld1] = newairloop[fld2] z_supplypth.Component_1_Object_Type = "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter" z_supplypth.Component_1_Name = z_splitter.Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer key = "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer".upper() z_mixer = idf.newidfobject(key) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- z_mixer.Name = "%s Demand Side Mixer" % (loopname,) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- z_mixer.Outlet_Node_Name = newairloop.Demand_Side_Outlet_Node_Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- for i, zone in enumerate(dloop): z_equipconn = modeleditor.getobjects( idf.idfobjects, idf.model, idf.idd_info, "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections".upper(), # places=7, **dict(Zone_Name=zone) )[0] fld = "Inlet_%s_Node_Name" % (i + 1,) z_mixer[fld] = z_equipconn.Zone_Return_Air_Node_Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # make AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath key = "AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath".upper() z_returnpth = idf.newidfobject(key) # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- z_returnpth.Name = "%sReturnPath" % (loopname,) z_returnpth.Return_Air_Path_Outlet_Node_Name = ( newairloop.Demand_Side_Outlet_Node_Name ) z_returnpth.Component_1_Object_Type = "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer" z_returnpth.Component_1_Name = z_mixer.Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newairloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- return newairloop
[docs]def makeplantloop(idf, loopname, sloop, dloop, testing=None): """make plant loop with pip components""" # -------- <testing --------- testn = 0 # -------- testing> --------- newplantloop = idf.newidfobject("PLANTLOOP", Name=loopname) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- fields = SomeFields.p_fields # for use in bunch flnames = [field.replace(" ", "_") for field in fields] # simplify naming fields1 = [field.replace("Plant Side", "Supply") for field in fields] fields1 = [field.replace("Demand Side", "Demand") for field in fields1] fields1 = [field[: field.find("Name") - 1] for field in fields1] fields1 = [field.replace(" Node", "") for field in fields1] fields1 = [field.replace(" List", "s") for field in fields1] # TODO : pop connectors if no parallel branches # make fieldnames in the plant loop fieldnames = ["%s %s" % (loopname, field) for field in fields1] for fieldname, thefield in zip(fieldnames, flnames): newplantloop[thefield] = fieldname # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # make the branch lists for this plant loop sbranchlist = idf.newidfobject( "BRANCHLIST", Name=newplantloop.Plant_Side_Branch_List_Name ) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- dbranchlist = idf.newidfobject( "BRANCHLIST", Name=newplantloop.Demand_Side_Branch_List_Name ) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # add branch names to the branchlist sbranchnames = flattencopy(sloop) # sbranchnames = sloop[1] for branchname in sbranchnames: sbranchlist.obj.append(branchname) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- dbranchnames = flattencopy(dloop) # dbranchnames = dloop[1] for branchname in dbranchnames: dbranchlist.obj.append(branchname) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # make a pipe branch for all branches in the loop # supply side sbranchs = [] for bname in sbranchnames: branch = makepipebranch(idf, bname) sbranchs.append(branch) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop anode = "Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name" sameinnode = "Plant_Side_Inlet_Node_Name" sbranchs[0][anode] = newplantloop[sameinnode] anode = "Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name" sameoutnode = "Plant_Side_Outlet_Node_Name" sbranchs[-1][anode] = newplantloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in pipe pname = sbranchs[0]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Inlet_Node_Name = newplantloop[sameinnode] pname = sbranchs[-1]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Outlet_Node_Name = newplantloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # demand side dbranchs = [] for bname in dbranchnames: branch = makepipebranch(idf, bname) dbranchs.append(branch) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in branch anode = "Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name" sameinnode = "Demand_Side_Inlet_Node_Name" dbranchs[0][anode] = newplantloop[sameinnode] anode = "Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name" sameoutnode = "Demand_Side_Outlet_Node_Name" dbranchs[-1][anode] = newplantloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in pipe pname = dbranchs[0]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Inlet_Node_Name = newplantloop[sameinnode] pname = dbranchs[-1]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Outlet_Node_Name = newplantloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # TODO : test if there are parallel branches # make the connectorlist an fill fields sconnlist = idf.newidfobject( "CONNECTORLIST", Name=newplantloop.Plant_Side_Connector_List_Name ) sconnlist.Connector_1_Object_Type = "Connector:Splitter" sconnlist.Connector_1_Name = "%s_supply_splitter" % (loopname,) sconnlist.Connector_2_Object_Type = "Connector:Mixer" sconnlist.Connector_2_Name = "%s_supply_mixer" % (loopname,) dconnlist = idf.newidfobject( "CONNECTORLIST", Name=newplantloop.Demand_Side_Connector_List_Name ) dconnlist.Connector_1_Object_Type = "Connector:Splitter" dconnlist.Connector_1_Name = "%s_demand_splitter" % (loopname,) dconnlist.Connector_2_Object_Type = "Connector:Mixer" dconnlist.Connector_2_Name = "%s_demand_mixer" % (loopname,) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # make splitters and mixers s_splitter = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:SPLITTER", Name=sconnlist.Connector_1_Name) s_splitter.obj.extend([sloop[0]] + sloop[1]) s_mixer = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:MIXER", Name=sconnlist.Connector_2_Name) s_mixer.obj.extend([sloop[-1]] + sloop[1]) # - d_splitter = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:SPLITTER", Name=dconnlist.Connector_1_Name) d_splitter.obj.extend([dloop[0]] + dloop[1]) d_mixer = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:MIXER", Name=dconnlist.Connector_2_Name) d_mixer.obj.extend([dloop[-1]] + dloop[1]) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newplantloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- return newplantloop
[docs]def makecondenserloop(idf, loopname, sloop, dloop, testing=None): """make condenser loop with pipe components""" # -------- <testing --------- testn = 0 # -------- testing> --------- newcondenserloop = idf.newidfobject("CondenserLoop".upper(), Name=loopname) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- fields = SomeFields.c_fields # for use in bunch flnames = [field.replace(" ", "_") for field in fields] # simplify naming fields1 = [field.replace("Condenser Side", "Cond_Supply") for field in fields] fields1 = [field.replace("Demand Side", "Demand") for field in fields1] fields1 = [field[: field.find("Name") - 1] for field in fields1] fields1 = [field.replace(" Node", "") for field in fields1] fields1 = [field.replace(" List", "s") for field in fields1] # old TODO : pop connectors if no parallel branches # make fieldnames in the condenser loop fieldnames = ["%s %s" % (loopname, field) for field in fields1] for fieldname, thefield in zip(fieldnames, flnames): newcondenserloop[thefield] = fieldname # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # make the branch lists for this condenser loop sbranchlist = idf.newidfobject( "BRANCHLIST", Name=newcondenserloop.Condenser_Side_Branch_List_Name ) dbranchlist = idf.newidfobject( "BRANCHLIST", Name=newcondenserloop.Condenser_Demand_Side_Branch_List_Name ) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # add branch names to the branchlist sbranchnames = flattencopy(sloop) # sbranchnames = sloop[1] for branchname in sbranchnames: sbranchlist.obj.append(branchname) dbranchnames = flattencopy(dloop) # dbranchnames = dloop[1] for branchname in dbranchnames: dbranchlist.obj.append(branchname) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # make a pipe branch for all branches in the loop # supply side sbranchs = [] for bname in sbranchnames: branch = makepipebranch(idf, bname) sbranchs.append(branch) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop anode = "Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name" sameinnode = "Condenser_Side_Inlet_Node_Name" # TODO : change ? sbranchs[0][anode] = newcondenserloop[sameinnode] anode = "Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name" sameoutnode = "Condenser_Side_Outlet_Node_Name" # TODO : change ? sbranchs[-1][anode] = newcondenserloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in pipe pname = sbranchs[0]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Inlet_Node_Name = newcondenserloop[sameinnode] pname = sbranchs[-1]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Outlet_Node_Name = newcondenserloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # demand side dbranchs = [] for bname in dbranchnames: branch = makepipebranch(idf, bname) dbranchs.append(branch) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in branch anode = "Component_1_Inlet_Node_Name" sameinnode = "Demand_Side_Inlet_Node_Name" # TODO : change ? dbranchs[0][anode] = newcondenserloop[sameinnode] anode = "Component_1_Outlet_Node_Name" sameoutnode = "Demand_Side_Outlet_Node_Name" # TODO : change ? dbranchs[-1][anode] = newcondenserloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # rename inlet outlet of endpoints of loop - rename in pipe pname = dbranchs[0]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Inlet_Node_Name = newcondenserloop[sameinnode] pname = dbranchs[-1]["Component_1_Name"] # get the pipe name apipe = idf.getobject("Pipe:Adiabatic".upper(), pname) # get pipe apipe.Outlet_Node_Name = newcondenserloop[sameoutnode] # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # TODO : test if there are parallel branches # make the connectorlist an fill fields sconnlist = idf.newidfobject( "CONNECTORLIST", Name=newcondenserloop.Condenser_Side_Connector_List_Name ) sconnlist.Connector_1_Object_Type = "Connector:Splitter" sconnlist.Connector_1_Name = "%s_supply_splitter" % (loopname,) sconnlist.Connector_2_Object_Type = "Connector:Mixer" sconnlist.Connector_2_Name = "%s_supply_mixer" % (loopname,) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- dconnlist = idf.newidfobject( "CONNECTORLIST", Name=newcondenserloop.Condenser_Demand_Side_Connector_List_Name ) dconnlist.Connector_1_Object_Type = "Connector:Splitter" dconnlist.Connector_1_Name = "%s_demand_splitter" % (loopname,) dconnlist.Connector_2_Object_Type = "Connector:Mixer" dconnlist.Connector_2_Name = "%s_demand_mixer" % (loopname,) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # make splitters and mixers s_splitter = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:SPLITTER", Name=sconnlist.Connector_1_Name) s_splitter.obj.extend([sloop[0]] + sloop[1]) s_mixer = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:MIXER", Name=sconnlist.Connector_2_Name) s_mixer.obj.extend([sloop[-1]] + sloop[1]) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- # - d_splitter = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:SPLITTER", Name=dconnlist.Connector_1_Name) d_splitter.obj.extend([dloop[0]] + dloop[1]) d_mixer = idf.newidfobject("CONNECTOR:MIXER", Name=dconnlist.Connector_2_Name) d_mixer.obj.extend([dloop[-1]] + dloop[1]) # -------- <testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn, newcondenserloop) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing> --------- return newcondenserloop
def _clean_listofcomponents(listofcomponents): """force it to be a list of tuples""" def totuple(item): """return a tuple""" if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): return item else: return (item, None) return [totuple(item) for item in listofcomponents] def _clean_listofcomponents_tuples(listofcomponents_tuples): """force 3 items in the tuple""" def to3tuple(item): """return a 3 item tuple""" if len(item) == 3: return item else: return (item[0], item[1], None) return [to3tuple(item) for item in listofcomponents_tuples]
[docs]def getmakeidfobject(idf, key, name): """get idfobject or make it if it does not exist""" idfobject = idf.getobject(key, name) if not idfobject: return idf.newidfobject(key, Name=name) else: return idfobject
[docs]def replacebranch1( idf, loop, branchname, listofcomponents_tuples, fluid=None, debugsave=False ): """do I even use this ? .... yup! I do""" if fluid is None: fluid = "" listofcomponents_tuples = _clean_listofcomponents_tuples(listofcomponents_tuples) branch = idf.getobject("BRANCH", branchname) # args are (key, name) listofcomponents = [] for comp_type, comp_name, compnode in listofcomponents_tuples: comp = getmakeidfobject(idf, comp_type.upper(), comp_name) listofcomponents.append((comp, compnode)) newbr = replacebranch( idf, loop, branch, listofcomponents, debugsave=debugsave, fluid=fluid ) return newbr
[docs]def replacebranch( idf, loop, branch, listofcomponents, fluid=None, debugsave=False, testing=None ): """It will replace the components in the branch with components in listofcomponents""" if fluid is None: fluid = "" # -------- testing --------- testn = 0 # -------- testing --------- # join them into a branch # ----------------------- # np1_inlet -> np1 -> np1_np2_node -> np2 -> np2_outlet # change the node names in the component # empty the old branch # fill in the new components with the node names into this branch listofcomponents = _clean_listofcomponents(listofcomponents) components = [item[0] for item in listofcomponents] connectcomponents(idf, listofcomponents, fluid=fluid) if debugsave: idf.savecopy("hhh3.idf") # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- fields = SomeFields.a_fields thebranch = branch componentsintobranch(idf, thebranch, listofcomponents, fluid=fluid) if debugsave: idf.savecopy("hhh4.idf") # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # # gather all renamed nodes # # do the renaming renamenodes(idf, "node") if debugsave: idf.savecopy("hhh7.idf") # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- # check for the end nodes of the loop if loop.key == "AIRLOOPHVAC": fields = SomeFields.a_fields if loop.key == "PLANTLOOP": fields = SomeFields.p_fields if loop.key == "CONDENSERLOOP": fields = SomeFields.c_fields # for use in bunch flnames = [field.replace(" ", "_") for field in fields] if fluid.upper() == "WATER": supplyconlistname = loop[flnames[3]] # Plant_Side_Connector_List_Name or Condenser_Side_Connector_List_Name elif fluid.upper() == "AIR": supplyconlistname = loop[flnames[1]] # Connector_List_Name' supplyconlist = idf.getobject("CONNECTORLIST", supplyconlistname) for i in range(1, 100000): # large range to hit end try: fieldname = "Connector_%s_Object_Type" % (i,) ctype = supplyconlist[fieldname] except bunch_subclass.BadEPFieldError: break if ctype.strip() == "": break fieldname = "Connector_%s_Name" % (i,) cname = supplyconlist[fieldname] connector = idf.getobject(ctype.upper(), cname) if connector.key == "CONNECTOR:SPLITTER": firstbranchname = connector.Inlet_Branch_Name cbranchname = firstbranchname isfirst = True if connector.key == "CONNECTOR:MIXER": lastbranchname = connector.Outlet_Branch_Name cbranchname = lastbranchname isfirst = False if cbranchname == thebranch.Name: # rename end nodes comps = getbranchcomponents(idf, thebranch) if isfirst: comp = comps[0] inletnodename = getnodefieldname(comp, "Inlet_Node_Name", fluid) comp[inletnodename] = [ comp[inletnodename], loop[flnames[0]], ] # Plant_Side_Inlet_Node_Name else: comp = comps[-1] outletnodename = getnodefieldname(comp, "Outlet_Node_Name", fluid) comp[outletnodename] = [ comp[outletnodename], loop[flnames[1]], ] # .Plant_Side_Outlet_Node_Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- if fluid.upper() == "WATER": demandconlistname = loop[flnames[7]] # .Demand_Side_Connector_List_Name demandconlist = idf.getobject("CONNECTORLIST", demandconlistname) for i in range(1, 100000): # large range to hit end try: fieldname = "Connector_%s_Object_Type" % (i,) ctype = demandconlist[fieldname] except bunch_subclass.BadEPFieldError: break if ctype.strip() == "": break fieldname = "Connector_%s_Name" % (i,) cname = demandconlist[fieldname] connector = idf.getobject(ctype.upper(), cname) if connector.key == "CONNECTOR:SPLITTER": firstbranchname = connector.Inlet_Branch_Name cbranchname = firstbranchname isfirst = True if connector.key == "CONNECTOR:MIXER": lastbranchname = connector.Outlet_Branch_Name cbranchname = lastbranchname isfirst = False if cbranchname == thebranch.Name: # rename end nodes comps = getbranchcomponents(idf, thebranch) if isfirst: comp = comps[0] inletnodename = getnodefieldname(comp, "Inlet_Node_Name", fluid) comp[inletnodename] = [ comp[inletnodename], loop[flnames[4]], ] # .Demand_Side_Inlet_Node_Name if not isfirst: comp = comps[-1] outletnodename = getnodefieldname(comp, "Outlet_Node_Name", fluid) comp[outletnodename] = [ comp[outletnodename], loop[flnames[5]], ] # .Demand_Side_Outlet_Node_Name # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- if debugsave: idf.savecopy("hhh8.idf") # # gather all renamed nodes # # do the renaming renamenodes(idf, "node") # -------- testing --------- testn = doingtesting(testing, testn) if testn == None: returnnone() # -------- testing --------- if debugsave: idf.savecopy("hhh9.idf") return thebranch
[docs]def main(): """the main routine""" from io import StringIO import eppy.iddv7 as iddv7 IDF.setiddname(StringIO(iddv7.iddtxt)) idf1 = IDF(StringIO("")) loopname = "p_loop" sloop = ["sb0", ["sb1", "sb2", "sb3"], "sb4"] dloop = ["db0", ["db1", "db2", "db3"], "db4"] # makeplantloop(idf1, loopname, sloop, dloop) loopname = "c_loop" sloop = ["sb0", ["sb1", "sb2", "sb3"], "sb4"] dloop = ["db0", ["db1", "db2", "db3"], "db4"] # makecondenserloop(idf1, loopname, sloop, dloop) loopname = "a_loop" sloop = ["sb0", ["sb1", "sb2", "sb3"], "sb4"] dloop = ["zone1", "zone2", "zone3"] makeairloop(idf1, loopname, sloop, dloop) idf1.savecopy("hh1.idf")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()